The Brief.
Catapult has been fortunate to contribute to one of the great disruptive movements in IT – Agile software delivery and, more recently, DevOps. Companies Catapult has worked with include: Agile Alliance (Agile Conferences), Rally Software, Jama Software, ThoughtWorks, Danube, SolutionsIQ, Electric Cloud and CollabNet and the DevOps Enterprise Summit.
The Plan.
Starting with the launch of Rally Software in 2004, Catapult has been “in the trenches” helping to educate and advance Agile development methods across the industry. For 10 years, Catapult helped build up the Agile conferences as the premiere industry event – one where media and industry research analysts could connect and spread the word on the value and progress of the Agile movement. The number of press interviews, analyst briefings and pieces of news and by-lined content Catapult has led is extensive to say the least! Catapult loves Agile – and now DevOps – and knows it inside and out. Catapult is proud of the collective work done in the space and our role in advancing this disruptive and worthy industry movement.