Use this Template to Create Your Category Narrative

Companies often adopt the Strategic Narrative Marketing approach because they want to lead markets, stand apart or define an industry category.

The approach requires the development of an industry narrative to articulate your company’s vision and align it around a purpose-focused positioning statement.

Narrative TemplateSometimes, the narrative reveals uncomfortable truths. Perhaps an organization isn’t truly aligned with current trends that are impacting the future of the industry. Or, maybe the organization is aligned, but changes need to be made to the innovation timeline.

While it can be unsettling to acknowledge these truths, the exploratory and reflective nature of the Strategic Narrative Marketing approach has the potential to drive future business strategy closer to what the industry truly needs.

If you think your current company narrative needs honing, consider using this template to start the process of creating a clear, concise positioning statement:

COMPANY NAME believes the _____ industry has the opportunity to LEADERSHIP ACTION to BENEFIT STATEMENT. To advance our industry, COMPANY NAME, pledges to CONTRIBUTION. By sharing, CONTRIBUTION, COMPANY NAME will help the INDUSTRY BENEFIT, ORGANIZATION BENEFIT, and INDIVIDUAL BENEFIT.

Here’s an example for Strategic Narrative Marketing:

Catapult believes the PR industry has the opportunity to own narrative development to help organizations stand out and become category leaders. To advance our industry, Catapult pledges to share its Strategic Narrative Marketing messaging approach freely and openly. By sharing Strategic Narrative Marketing, Catapult helps the PR industry become more strategic, expands the services and value teams and agencies deliver, and advances the contributions of PR professionals as they accelerate in their careers.

After you complete your positioning statement, consider whether your current company business strategy aligns with your statement. If you find any glaring discrepancies, perhaps it is time for some important conversations.

If you would like more guidance before completing the template, I’m happy to provide direct feedback on your current messaging through our free narrative assessment, available here.


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